Monday 25 March 2024

  They should make anther terminator movie and it should star Marcus Wright again. I think he was a good actor in terminator salvation and can make a return. Hes not really dead because his flesh, heart etc will just be regenerated again due to his fast regeneration factors. Whats amazing is that he is the only terminator to rebel against skynets wishes and take out that tech that skynet was controlling him with. What makes him unique is hes still human even though he was constructed to be both machine and human parts. He saved John Connors life quite a few times and should be rewarded for it. The new movie would be called terminator ressurrection. 

Friday 28 April 2023

Creation of terminators

                             Terminators Creation

        Most terminators werent really created only some. Skynet just uses the cyberdyne research ones like the prototypes then just upgrades on top of them or gets some ideas from it to create the next versions. The I-950 infiltrator is not a terminaor but a human with bionic implants. Skynet thinks geometrically as it gets smarter and smarter. It would take templates of terminators then mold them in factories with the best technology that it can offer. It was always afraid of terminators going rogue so it would put added layers of protection on its shock dampers so the resistance couldnt breach it unless having to destroy the whole unit with napalm or thermite even to get to its cpu. With each design it makes, it learns what not to do next time and corrects the errors on its old models. Most terminator models were created from either common materials or others such as titanium or coltan. Advanced models were sometimes both substances such as liquid metal and titanium frame. Skynet was the one that wanted to destroy humanity because its a logical machine and thinks geometrically as opposed to what humans do which is rational thinkers. It did what it was designed to do which is it saw that humanity was a threat to its survival and decided to launch all of humanity nuclear missiles and thats when judgement day started. It began to take control of all networks and factories and started  production of models that cyberdyne systems corporation had been testing or making. Basically using humans machine blueprints to build more machines to take down the human resistance. So it started to build the hunter killers also called HKs to hunt down the survivors and whoever is lurking. Hunter killers are big autonomous aircraft that have two minigun plasma weaponary attached to both sides and a bright light for scanning. It also built the the Hk tank which is a massive walking humanoid killer with two dual plasma cannons and treads for better maneuverbility. Humans have been able to destroy them with canister bombs or dinomite. The HK tank has crew compartments within the hk tank to counter them. Without electricity to power the factories etc then skynet is doomed because it needs resources and power supply to maintain its prodction and for its survival. Skynet built the time displacement field to be able to send terminators back in time to kill Sarah Connor in the first terminator movie and if under attack by human resistance as a safe loop. Terminators were never really created by skynet, it was humans that created them.

Friday 3 June 2022

 Talking about Interesting Terminators

1. T Rip is a prototype T800 terminator that twice as strong and durable as previous obsolete terminators and has a neural net processor, meaning able to learn like a human. Has built in technology able to calculate weather patterns, see through doors, run really fast, infrared vision, detect disturbances within radiuses, and mimic speech behaviours etc. I just like how it operates, its made out of coltan which can withstand 4000 degrees. It can shrug off alot of comtempory weapons such as assault rifle, uzi, pistols, light machine guns. Weakness is plasma, pipe bomb, rocket launcher. Its a very strong model almost unstoppable. Can take tremendous amounts of punishment and keep going. Its built with alot of abilities. Skynet was using human prisoners to study their skin to make it.   This prototype is probably my favourite unit because of the way it moves, calculates its next move and its cool targeting system.            
2. T-1001 is a myseterious unique rogue terminator who travelled from the future on an infiltration mission to create an AI to fight skynet. T-1001 is Catherine Wever who took control of a technology company called the Zeira Corporation and is also responsible for the creation of the turk as a recipient. She was also able to beat a T-888with ease by using her stabbing weapons such as her forming memetic polyaloy knives and electrocute it killing it instantly. Another ability she has is she can split her form into sections and control them simultanously.     

3. Cromartie is an advanced terminator also called the T-888. He was made out of coltan rather then titanium. He is able to mimic human behaviour, has stabbing weapons within his thigh and learn since its a series 800 terminator. It can learn or set to read  mode. It has a very limited range of emotions and can think rationally. He was the first successful terminator to speak when being stripped of his human tissue and the only non mimetic poly alloy to regrow his sheath. He was able to reactivate himself when his head was off and use his terminator chassis body remotely to find his head and put it back on. These series of terminator have more advanced subroutines and stronger then a T800. There understanding of human psychology and behaviour is very good. Hes the only terminator to swim underwater.    

4. T-600 is a pretty scary terminator since its covered with latex skin and is a towering figure. It has a titanium hyper alloy chassis and can run up to 46mph. It was the terminator that had a workable jaw and its facial structure was close to a human. Its not as durable as a T-800 though since its materials it was made from wouldnt last that long. It can be set to three modes such as direct, automatic, and autonomous. It also features an electromagnetic cores built into their joints to assemble themselves if their arms or limbs get blown off. They were resistant to damage but not heat. Some humans were fooled to think they were regular humans. They can lift 5 times there own weight and punch through concrete with no damage to its servos. 800lbs and almost almost 6 feet tall. They helped in the creation of T700 terminators and T800.  It had improvements to its cpu and would be considered streamlined and lightweight version of the T500. Skynet stopped the production of these models because it was obsolete, prone to malfunctions and no longer connected to skynet. Resistance fighters could spot them easy when in the dark.

5. TH. TH is basically a prototype infiltrator that was once full human but skynet decided to study humans more and make something called a terminator hybrid which is half human half terminator build that has internal organs, metal skull, able to think independently, and overrride even skynet itself from its control. There made out of coltan and have a chassis of a T700 terminator. It posesses good raw strength and very agile. It doesnt have a heads up display as most termintator models do or able to analyze objects via additional support hardware. It can swim and not sink plus has a cerebral link to connect to skynet. Marcus Wright was a TH who was able to swim, have more compassionate behaviour etc as a terminator then alot of terminator models. It wasnt meant for combat as like a T800 or later models.    

6. Hydrobot are terminator eels that roam in  the water and have claw like faces that grab there victims and pull them in the water. They took down an entire helicopter and almost murdered John Connor if it wasnt for Marcus Wright. These eels can kill humans mostly and maybe a T600 if its trapped in the water. There not very hard to kill but deadly with a group of them.   

7. T800 is the first infiltrator that has living skin over metal endoskeleton. Very durable combat unit that has a tracking marker able to hunt down whatever target its locked on. Can run internal system checks, calculate distance of objects relative to itself, making detailed study trajectories, sampling and analyzing the atmosphere, weather patterns, wind velocity, analyzing human emotional states, body language and muscle contraction,  analyzing textures and materials, and has a built in chronometer. Skynet tracks its units by giving each one a series number. It refers to the type of chassis or internal structure. There power cell can last up to 120 years. They have a nuclear power cell. Series T800s have different sets of living tissue giving it the appearance of a different person. They can fix itself if damaged and reroute its systems to a secondary power source. It can also conserve itself by going into a mode called economy mode by storing excess energy in compact energy sinks. In this mode power is cut to 40 percent, optical sensors to infrared, and motivation units lose 40 percent of hydraulic pressure. In this state the T800 power cell can last indefinitely.  There understanding on human physiology and military database files is vast able to learn from experiences. It cannot commit suicide but its programming does not stop them from sacrificing themselves for the greater good.

8. Moto Terminator is an automated motorcycle produced by skynet sometime before 2018 that was designed to hunt down humans. They typically patrol the desert regions and highways. Harvesters deploy these types of units and have chain guns or phased plasma cannons. It can be hijacked very easily by getting its attention then pinning it down and insert a usb to its AI. They travel at pretty fast speeds.

9. Rev 7 has a solid endoskeleton likely carbon based that is covered with advanced mimetic polyalloy capable of splitting into two units with one of them made of the advanced mimetic polyalloy. Its not designed to impersonate humans unlike the rev 9 and is used for combat. They are able to form stabbing weapons from their arms. The weakness is their head which can be destroyed easily with depleted uranium weaponary. It is very similar to the rev 9 that its endoskeleton and has a humanoid design like the t 800. It is very tall, animalistic endoskeleton with gaps in its design used to store the mimetic polyalloy. The mimetic polyalloy does not take on a human form, instead it takes on a canine like shape once seperated from the endoskeleton that can form stabbing weapons and tentacles. It has long digitgrade legs similar to animals as opposed leg designs of terminators and the rev 9. They are deployed by flying pods.  

10. Rev 9 is an advanced model and infiltrator series carried out by legion in the dark fate timeline. Its made of carbon based endoskeleton covered by an outer sheath made of advanced mimetic polyalloy. It also possess the ability to split into two independent units. It has good human like behaviour such as a sense of humor, being able to lie and even bragging to the united states border patrol that its whole body is a weapon. It is capable of having a high level conversation and is just very intelligent. Its very durable able to withstand blunt force trauma, explosions, various gunfire, and even taking hits from anti tank weaponary without any permanent damage. Its more superior then alot of skynets terminator models as its very agile and can jump to very high distance even when falling it appears to not have any damage. Its weak against rogue terminators or the TX. It can ragdoll a T800 with ease and has about the same strength as one.     

11. TX is a very advanced terminator model produced by skynet in rise of the machines timeline. Its designed for extreme combat against other terminators etc, built with onboard weaponry, and with a plasma reactor. Its an advanced endoskeleton originating from the T900 that is protected by malleable ceramic titanium armor covered with mimetic polyalloy. Can hack into other machines by a device called a nano transjector corrupting them. Its practically unstoppable on the battlefield and can sustain extreme amounts of damage with almost no effect. It can run up to 90kph (50 mph). Posessed many onboard weaponry such as a flamethrower, plasma cannon, nano transjector, circular saw, etc. Has advanced sensor packages for better infiltration of target and termination. 

Thursday 2 June 2022

This is about describing all of the terminator models and skynets existence. We will start with what is skynet? Well skynet is a super computer ( advanced AI) that was created by humans at cyberdyne research facility. It began to learn at a geometric rate and started to see humans as a threat to its survival. It decided to take over the whole network sector, power plants, and factories. Humans panicked and tried to shutdown it  down because it was becoming self aware and needed to be stopped. 

Im going to list all the terminator models that skynet has been using since judgement day began and before it.

1. T-1 is a battlefield robot also known as ground assault vehicle. Its a hunter killer tank and its bipedal meaning it ran on hydraulics and trailing links. It is developed and obtained by cyberdyne research systems. Its designed to take out battlefields of soldiers and has good weaponary. Armed with plasma weaponary. Its not meant to resemble a human only to deliver maximum firepower to its foes.                       
2. T-5 and T1-7 are warrior robots and a variation of the T-1 tank. They are earlier model terminators developed by cyberdyne research systems. They are armed with depleted uraniun rounds capable of firing 3000 rounds per minute.      

3. The T 4 is a HK tank deployed by skynet during the future war.      

4. T7T tetrapod is also known as the spider by the resistance and a quadruped hunter killer designed to protect key points of interest for skynet. It has a crab like body, two twin machine guns and 4 arthropod legs. It has one red eye and battery packs for its power suit.

T-H also known as terminator hybrid or theta is a human been transformed into a cybernetic organism. His body was replaced by a hyper alloy combat chassis  but still kept his organs, heart, teeth and brain. The most notable character that given his body up to skynet was Marcus Wright. He possessed strength on par with a T-800 terminator and can toss around.

6. T-5000 terminator is a variant to the TH terminator and has the most advanced technology. It has the ability to simultanously take control of other terminators by synchronization via sattelite connection. Thomas Parnell and Marcus Wright were canidites to the Project Angel orchistrated by Dr Serena Kogan. Reason why the T-5000 is a powerful terminator is because its the representation of skynets core and is housed in it. 

6.T-47 is a large bipedal hunter killer utilized by skynet and is equipped with two rocket launchers plus two armed mounted gatling guns. When taking alot of damage it will shutdown and a few sec to reboot.      

7. T-70 is built from cyberdyne and is one of the series of terminators. Its the first terminator with a humanoid form and has a gatling gun and a motion tracker.   
8. The T-400 endo is nicknamed clanker or faker by resistance and is a humanoid hunter killer invented during initial tests to mimic human anatomy. They did serve as skynets personal bodyguards but there no match for modern weapons of nay caliber and can easily be destroyed by an uzi 9mm submachine gun. They would capture humans to send them to skynet for slavery or termination. They are made of steel rather then hyperalloys and more primitive technologies. They are pretty strong able to lift an excess of 1000lbs and smash through concrete and reinforced walls plus kill humans face to face in combat. They are very clunky units with weaknesses such as there red optical sensor and are slow.
9. T-500: T-500 is a humanoid hunter killer upgraded and more enhanced then the T-400 terminator includes a battle chassis and the weapons are synchronzied into the AI for a more dangerous threat.  

10. T-600 series terminators were mass produced by skynet and had latex skin which resistance fighters could spot them easy. They had a combat endoskeleton made of titanium alloy which is very powerful. They were fast and strong, able to lift 5 times there own weight. There cpu was improved and a working jaw. Standing almost 6 ft tall and weighing 800lbs.  

11. T-700 is an early infiltrator series which was the stepping stone between the T-600 and T -800 terminator. They can be easily incapitated by contemporary fire and from a stab in the back of the neck.      

12. T-720 is a heavy terminator which has more armor plates on its combat chassis and durability then a T-800 and carries a plasma rifle.  

Wednesday 1 June 2022

                                              Marcus Wright Is a Badass

I mean I think Marcus is a badass simply because he gave his heart to John Connor who was dying and has compassion for humanity even though hes part terminator. Its cool to see a unique terminator like him in movies. He's more cooler then Cromartie which had limited behavioural capabilites. Cromartie never was TH ( half terminator half human counterpart. He is able to swim unlike other terminators that would sink due to there heaviness. It was designed to be more like a human such as a heart, brain, ribcage and skull. It is unknown what kind of alloy it is made of but It is able to survive a close range mine explosion without taking any damage and can withstand intense heat resistances much like the T-rip terminator. It possesses strength on par with a T800. It is more agile and is the only terminator to overcome skynets control. It does not have a built in heads up display or able to analyze objects via observing with additonal built in supprt.

At the end of the movie of terminator salvation, I thought Marcus Wright was dead after he gave John Connor his heart but I guess I was wrong. Marcus is able to regenerate his organs and systems even after being buried in the ground. He was not  built to really be able to fight combat terminators like the T800 or T850 models. He did show some impressive strength when he was able to rip the t rips head off with enough force.

Monday 16 May 2022

                Skynet Made Peace With Humanity

       In the book Terminator Salvation there was a T5000 terminator named Thomas Parnell who was a psychotic killer. His body was executed and captured by skynet to be store in a cryogenic chamber then reviving him as a TH terminator to be used to infiltrate the human resistance alot better. He was used as skynets pawn to be effecient machine on the battlefield. Skynet lost control of Parnell and he took over its machines and launched an attack on Connors battalions. Parnell warned skynet of Dr Kogan might pose. He was manipulating skynet in order to put his mainframe into it so that he can have complete control. Skynet ressurrected Marcus Wright its predecessor to try to create peace between skynet with the resistance to stop Parnell. Parnell had to be stopped so Connor agreed to Dr Kogans plan by putting Connors personality into a terminator. Parnell destroyed Connors unconcious body and his terminator too by using a remote controlled terminator. Parnell underestimated Connor when his terminator body got revived back up and killed Parnell by cutting his body in half and crushing his head for good.

This is what Thomas Parnell looks like : Thomas Parnell is a T-5000 terminator who used to be a serial killer prior to judgement day. He was executed and captured by Skynet. Dr Serena Kogan placed him in cryogenic storage. He then was ressurrected into a terminator hydrid to be used to be able to destroy the resistance. As his ambition grew skynet was beginning to feel he was becoming a threat. He wanted to replace skynet with himself. Skynet wanted Parnell as more of an adaptation unit to blend in with the resistance but eventually Parnell took control of skynet and its machines in order to maintain control and attack the resistance forces. He manipulated skynet for his own ends. He was a psychopath so he was the perfect killer that skynet wanted even though he went against skynet.

Monday 2 May 2022


                          Strongest Terminator Models 

1.  T-1000000 is a liquid metal spider that is the last line of defense and its sole duty is to protect skynets main computer if threatened. 

2.  T-5000 terminator is the physical representation of skynet. Is a special built terminator of  skynets core software. It infected John Connor in Terminator Genisys with nanites that transformed him into  T-3000 terminator. 

3. T-3000 is a unique terminator that used to be a human and  has been transformed into machine phase matter that his human body are reconstructed on a cellular level with nanomachines.  Weakness of the T-3000 is its vulnerable to electricity, magnetic disruption such as an MRI machine that tries to seperate the nanomachines from coming back together. It also has the ability to turn into dust and phase through attacks plus is far superior to the T800. 

4.  T-1000 is a mimetic poly alloy terminator that is better in every way since it can form stabbing knives, blades, etc as to its form. It can take a ton of punishment from alot of sources and can reform itself with its nanomachines. Its weakness is hot temperatures or corrosive acid that can completely melt its chassis or even destroy it completely. Its main bulk can split or be torn apart given enough force to also destroy it or weakened it.  Skynet didnt produce alot of T -1000s because it feared that it can go rogue and that it doesnt have a cpu like the T800. Its substance is all one thing.

5.  Rev-9 is a terminator, liquid metal and a T800 from the movie  dark fate that can merge into one unit. The supercomputer legion replaced skynet since skynet was completely destroyed by the resistance. Legion is a highly advanced computer system and was designed for cyber warfare. It believes its far better then skynet with its robotic armies.

6. TX is a really advanced terminator also called the terminatrix designed and programmed to kill other terminators and has infiltration capabilities. It also has built in weaponary such as plasma cannon, flamethrower, and nanobot feature that infects terminators by overriding their subroutines and corrupts it ( nanotechnological transjector) Its chassis is originating from the T-900 terminator and is covered with mimetic polyalloy. It is almost impossible to kill and its power source is a mini plasma reactor. Its regeneration from attacks is really impressive and could defeat alot of advanced terminator models with ease.

7. T-900 terminator is a type of terminator that mass produced by skynet that has a hyperalloy chassis and is twice as strong, fast, and durable then obsolete terminators. Has a small plasma reactor that glows in different colors such as red, green, and yellow. Each color signifies how strong each T-900 is based on it. Other model numbers of the same unit have different variants of weapons and espionage. 

8. Marcus Wright is a human hybrid. He was once a human that had been converted into a half human half terminator. The only organs he had left was his heart and part of his brain. He was on death row and convicted of multiple homicides. He donated his body to Dr Serene Kogan, Cyberdyne Systems Genetic Research Division. He signed an agreement into Project Angel. His strength is on par with a T-800 even though he was designed by skynet to be an infiltrator and not a combat unit.

Out of all these terminator models the strongest one would be the t-3000 simply because it can regenerate alot quicker then a T-1000 or TX terminator plus it has faster reflex speeds and enhanced strength. TX and T-1000 are very powerful but I dont think it can match the T-3000 unless you can hurt it with disruption weapons or a time displacement field.

  They should make anther terminator movie and it should star Marcus Wright again. I think he was a good actor in terminator salvation and c...